Chinese influencer Yituo, very popular in social media Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) attended the Chaumet Paris presentation of the jewellery collection inspired by Empress Josephine. The event took place in Shanghai recently. Yituo chose a two-piece dress in off-white plumeti tulle embroidered with crystals. Thank you Manli Bride for making it possible!…
It’s been ten years since the first time we steped into Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week catwalk. We’ve evolved, changed and grown up as dressmakers… And after this we’ve decided to travel back to the origins to create this 2020 collection. Our 2020 collection pays tribute to the handsewn clothing and to former dressmakers since they were our inspiration to become what we’re now. This is a collection full of craftmaking and details inspired in the Canarian technique of calados.…
Por fin comienza la cuenta atrás. Regresamos a la pasarela Valmont Barcelona Bridal Week para presentar nuestra colección 2020 con la misma ilusión que la primera vez. Nuestra colección 2020 se inspira en las modistas de antaño, esas que con su entrega nos hicieron encontrar nuestra vocación en el mundo de la moda. El mimo y cuidado con el que acababan cada prenda ha sido un referente para nosotros a lo largo de nuestra carrera. En esta colección 2020 les…